8 Feb 2025

IRL announces changes to the international laws


International Rugby League has announced amendments to the international laws of the game designed to encourage more contests for the ball from set re-starts.

The changes follow a recommendation from the IRL Laws Advisory Group, comprising of Graham Annesley (Chair, ARLC), Michael Maguire (APRL), Ruan Sims (ARLC), Laurent Frayssinous (ERL), Lyndsey Anfield, Phil Bentham (RFL) and Danny Kazandjian (IRL).

If a team kicks the ball out on the full over the touch line, or the ball fails to travel at least 10 metres forward in an attempt to contest a restart from the goal-line, 20m line, or half-way line, play will now restart with a play-the-ball 10 metres out from the line of the kick and 10 metres in from touch, rather than with a penalty kick. The change will give more incentive for teams to attempt short kick-offs or drop-outs. 

The IRL Board has approved amendments to Section 8, Law 6 of the international Laws for immediate   implementation.

Contested goal line drop-outs

If a team kicks a drop out on the full over the touchline or kicks a drop out so that it fails to travel at least 10 metres forward in the field of play, play will restart with a play the ball 10 metres out from the goal line and 10m in from touch, rather than a penalty kick from the centre of the 10-metre line. 

Contested 20m drop-outs 

If a team kicks a drop out on the full over the touchline or kicks a drop out so that it fails to travel at least 10 metres forward in the field of play, play will restart with a play the ball 10 metres out from the 20-metre line and 10m in from touch, rather than a penalty kick from the centre of the 20-metre line. 

Contested 20m optional kick

If a team takes a 20-metre optional kick and it travels on the full over the touch line, play will restart with a play the ball 1O metres out from the 20 metre line and 1O metres in from touch, rather than a penalty kick from the centre of the 20 metre line.

For the avoidance of doubt, contested restart kicks described above (goal line and 20-metre drop outs) must be capable of being contested in the opinion of the referee. That is, a kick where there is a reasonable opportunity for a member(s) of the kicking team and receiving team to play at the ball to gain possession. Typically, these are either high cross-field kicks or bouncing cross-field kicks towards chasers from the kicking team with the clear intent to contest the ball. 

The contested restarts described above apply only to breaches by the kicking team where the kick either does not travel 10 metres forward or goes into touch on the full. If players from either team make contact with the ball before it has the opportunity to travel 10 metres a full penalty will still apply. 

If the contested restart as described above does not travel 10 metres forward or is kicked into touch on the full, and the half time/ full time hooter sounds prior to the play the ball taking place, time will be extended until the next tackle/ stoppage after the ball has been played.